About us

Our story:

I have always liked working with older people. There is something special about all of them, and I think we should pay more attention to them in our daily lives. To listen, be company and understand them. Aging is inevitable, but the process is different for each of us. And my wish is that aging be natural and surrounded by as much goodness as possible.

Since 2006, I have been mainly engaged in gerontopsychology in my psychological work. After graduating with a master’s degree (cum laude), I have been more and more exposed to the problem of dementia, both in this region and in the wider world. This is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to slow down and certainly stabilize the process of worsening dementia. Together with our team, we have developed and are working on universal solutions to improve the environment around people with dementia, so that it suits them better and the environment around them creates peace and positivity in them. This would help to realize the world around them to be very real for as long as possible. Last but not least, people with dementia could stay in their homes for as long as possible. In our solutions, we combine both modern smart solutions and traditional methods.

At some point, we had the desire and need to combine the competent and self-sufficient 14 years of experience of our team with Nordic Dementia Research Center Ltd.

We focus on the following:

  1. Scientific research on dementia.
  2. Psychological research related to dementia.
  3. Environmental impact studies of dementia.
  4. Gerontological consulting.
  5. Psychological consulting.
  6. Dementia home design and consulting.
  7. “Smart Dementia Care Home” solution, consulting.
  8. Interior and exterior lighting of demented homes and nursing homes, consulting.

Lets make the dementia environment
better and smarter

Always yours
Piret Vester
Nordic Dementia Research Center Ltd.